Proud to be part of the Focus-Trust

Rudheath Primary Academy

School Day

What time does the school day start and finish?


08:45-11:45 (morning session) and 12:10-15:10 (afternoon session)


08:45-12.00 (morning session) and 12:10-15:10 (afternoon session)

Key Stage 1  Year 1/2

08:45–12:00 (morning session) and 12:50–15:15 (afternoon session)

Key Stage 2 Years 3 – 6

08:45 – 12:30 (morning session) and 13.15–15.15 (afternoon session)

How many hours is school open for Reception, Key stage 1 and 2 each week?


What to do if your child is ill

It is very important that all children attend school regularly but if your child is unwell he/she should not be sent to school. Please inform the school on the first day of absence, as soon as possible.

Children returning to school after an absence should bring in a note explaining the absence.  All it needs to include is the name of the child, their class, the dates they were absent and the reason.  The school will attempt to contact parents concerning a child’s absence if a reason has not been given to the office.

A reason given orally by the child is not acceptable.

Under no circumstances may children go out of school by themselves during school hours.  Parents who collect children to go to the doctor, dentist etc, must first see the Principal/office staff and the child will be collected from the classroom.

Both the school and the Education Welfare Officer monitor the attendance of each child.  The Family Liaison Worker visits the school each week and she contacts families where children are absent and the school has not been given a reason or where there is a pattern of absenteeism from school.

What if your child is ill at school

Please keep your child at home if they are not well. Although we do the best we can, there is no comfortable place for children to rest if they do not feel well. If your child is ill we will contact you by phone and ask you to collect your child.

Cuts and grazes resulting from falls at playtime are dealt with by First Aid staff in school, but if hospital treatment should be thought necessary we will contact you immediately. If your child bumps their head, we will send you a note to let you know about the incident,

Please keep the academy office records up to date by telling us if any of the following information changes. Should we need to contact you we can only use the information you provide us with.

  • address
  • telephone numbers
  • named contacts in case of emergency

If we are unable to contact you, staff can act in loco parentis and will contact Social Services for their help and support, if required.